There were, and remain, many unanswered questions about the nature of Morris’s unconventional marriage with his wife Jane. Why did Morris take out a joint tenancy on his Kelmscott Manor country home with Rossetti when he knew how fond Rossetti was of his wife? Why did Jane eventually distance herself from Rossetti and what made her begin an affair with notorious philanderer Wilfred Scawen Blunt?


It was only when the embargo placed on Rossetti’s letters to Jane was lifted in 1964 that the full extent of their relationship came to light. Since then, new research has uncovered further insights into the menage a trois at Kelmscott Manor that was repeated with Blunt after Rossetti’s death. The story is one of love, death, addiction, obsession and insanity. Yet, throughout the turbulence of their marriage, William and Jane remained endearingly affectionate towards one another.

Join Helen Elletson, Research Curator at the William Morris Society, in conjunction with London Luminaries on Thursday 6th June, at 7pm.

Click here to book.